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    Hemorrhoids occurs when the veins in the walls of the rectum and anus are swollen which is caused by too much pressure in the vein. Hemorrhoids can cause pain or bleeding.
    About 50% of Adults experience the symptoms of hemorrhoids by the age of 50. Hemorrhoids can either be Internal or External. Internal hemorrhoids are the most common and the most troublesome. Internal hemorrhoids develop within the anus or rectum while external hemorrhoids develop outside of the anus.
    Hemorrhoids are also known as PILES.
    The signs and symptoms of Hemorrhoids include pain, severe itching,
     lumps on the anus which may become painful or swollen
     bleeding from the anus with or without pain, particularly when you pass stool
     Mucus (thick fluid) in your rectum that may make you feel like you haven’t finished passing stool
     Difficulty sitting
    Fortunately, most of these symptoms goes on their own and are treatable.
    Hemorrhoids can be caused by
     Being overweight
     Pregnancy
     Lifting heavy objects
     Constipation and Diarrhea
     Sitting on the toilet for too long or pushing too hard while passing stool
     Sometimes Anal Sex.
    Hemorrhoids can be treated using stool softeners, laxatives if you are constipated, pain medications t, numbing cream, sitting in a tub of just enough warm water to cover your anus (sitz bath)
    Hemorrhoids can be prevented by
     Eating more fiber
     Drinking plenty of water or fluids
     Exercise
     Go to the toilet when you feel you have to, don’t wait
     Don’t sit on the toilet for a long time or strain yourself to pass stool
     Keep your Anus clean.

    That is where our great powerful food as some people call it the *SLIMBOLD COFFEE* comes in. It contains a soluble fiber called *PSYLLIUM EXTRACT* that serves as a gentle bulk forming laxative. It helps to deal with every kind of intestinal problems and irritable bowel syndromes such as constipation, diarrhea and this hemorrhoids, which we all know and has experienced as pile. People have been suffering from pile for months and even years and has found no permanent cure for it but with our SLIMBOLD COFFEE, we can help save and relieve so many people of this nightmare.
    HEMORRHOIDS Hemorrhoids occurs when the veins in the walls of the rectum and anus are swollen which is caused by too much pressure in the vein. Hemorrhoids can cause pain or bleeding. About 50% of Adults experience the symptoms of hemorrhoids by the age of 50. Hemorrhoids can either be Internal or External. Internal hemorrhoids are the most common and the most troublesome. Internal hemorrhoids develop within the anus or rectum while external hemorrhoids develop outside of the anus. Hemorrhoids are also known as PILES. The signs and symptoms of Hemorrhoids include pain, severe itching,  lumps on the anus which may become painful or swollen  bleeding from the anus with or without pain, particularly when you pass stool  Mucus (thick fluid) in your rectum that may make you feel like you haven’t finished passing stool  Difficulty sitting Fortunately, most of these symptoms goes on their own and are treatable. Hemorrhoids can be caused by  Being overweight  Pregnancy  Lifting heavy objects  Constipation and Diarrhea  Sitting on the toilet for too long or pushing too hard while passing stool  Sometimes Anal Sex. Hemorrhoids can be treated using stool softeners, laxatives if you are constipated, pain medications t, numbing cream, sitting in a tub of just enough warm water to cover your anus (sitz bath) Hemorrhoids can be prevented by  Eating more fiber  Drinking plenty of water or fluids  Exercise  Go to the toilet when you feel you have to, don’t wait  Don’t sit on the toilet for a long time or strain yourself to pass stool  Keep your Anus clean. That is where our great powerful food as some people call it the *SLIMBOLD COFFEE* comes in. It contains a soluble fiber called *PSYLLIUM EXTRACT* that serves as a gentle bulk forming laxative. It helps to deal with every kind of intestinal problems and irritable bowel syndromes such as constipation, diarrhea and this hemorrhoids, which we all know and has experienced as pile. People have been suffering from pile for months and even years and has found no permanent cure for it but with our SLIMBOLD COFFEE, we can help save and relieve so many people of this nightmare.
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